Welcome! My store is to help elementary and special educators with resources to help you save time and promote the overall well-being of you and your students.
Welcome! My store is to help elementary and special educators with resources to help you save time and promote the overall well-being of you and your students.
This resource is a cursive writing notebook that gradually increases knowledge of cursive letters. There is a page for practice for each upper and lower case letter. After each set of 3 letters a student learns, there is an opportunity to connect the letters and then form words using only the letters they have learned so far. There are 10 trace and write cursive sentence pages and several blank practice pages at the end.
The notebook can be stapled or bound for each student, or given as individual practice pages.
All pages begin with the “arrow” font to remind students which pencil strokes come first.
90 pages
This inference writing activity comes with a teacher powerpoint to display. Teach inference in steps with real life pictures. Students write what they know from a picture and then infer what happened before, during, and after the picture was taken using a graphic organizer. Students then use this to sequence a story based on the picture. Venn Diagram for students to compare and contrast inferences they made about the same photo.
Pages of download:
1- Cover
2- For the teacher
3-What is inference? Poster
4-7- Introduction to activity and class example
8- instructions to turn inferences into a written story
9- writing sheet
10 - Venn Diagram to compare and contrast with other student inferences
11 - Instructions for individualized writing
12-21 - 10 different real life pictures with graphic organizers following the same inferencing and writing steps
22- student writing sheet
23 - Venn Diagram
24-26 - Credits and Terms of Use
This resource is a handwriting notebook to focus on letter formation. There is a page of handwriting practice for all upper and lower case letters. After each set of practice pages for the letter, there is a page with two sentences to practice that letter and a page for students to write their own words.
The notebook can be stapled or bound for each student, or given as individual practice pages.
Forming letters correctly is so important to reading and writing skills, so all pages begin with the “arrow” font to remind students which pencil strokes come first.
105 pages
This low-prep Presidents' Day Mini Unit with cross-curricular connections to reading, writing, word recognition, and fine motor skills. Appropriate for primary grades K-2. There are 5 easy to read reading passages, 4 comprehension pages, and a flip book with spaces for student answers that closely follow the reading passages.
Here’s what is included:
5 Reading Passages
4 Comprehension Pages
3 Color By Sight Word Pages
2 Writing Prompts
Simple Word Search
Presidents’ Day Flip Book with black and white or color printing option
Presidents’ Day Crown with black and white or color printing option
46 task cards for second grade level 2 sight words. Students have to choose the correctly spelled sight word from a set of 4 words that are visually similar. They practice reading, writing and spelling of sight words all in one! Great for special education students, centers, and fast finishers.
Download includes 46 second grade level sight word task cards (black and white and color printing options) with recording sheets and answer keys.
41 task cards for third grade level 3 sight words. Students have to choose the correctly spelled sight word from a set of 4 words that are visually similar. They practice reading, writing and spelling of sight words all in one! Great for special education students, centers, and fast finishers.
Download includes 41 third grade level 3 sight word task cards (black and white and color printing options) with recording sheets and answer keys.
40 task cards for pre-primer sight words. Students have to choose the correctly spelled sigh word from a set of 4 words that are visually similar. They practice reading, writing and spelling of sight words all in one! Great for special education students, centers, and fast finishers.
Download includes 40 pre-primer sight word task cards with recording sheets and answer keys.
52 task cards for Kindergarten level (primer) sight words. Students have to choose from a set of 4 words that are visually similar. They practice reading, writing and spelling of sight words all in one! Great for special education students, centers, and fast finishers.
Download includes 52 kindergarten level (primer) sight word task cards with recording sheets and answer keys.
41 task cards for first grade level 1 sight words. Students have to choose from a set of 4 words that are visually similar. They practice reading, writing and spelling of sight words all in one! Great for special education students, centers, and fast finishers.
Download includes 41 first grade level sight word task cards with recording sheets and answer keys.
This writing folder is the perfect way for students to keep track of where they are in the writing process. By combining two folders, students who work at different paces, can place their work in the section of the folder that correlates where they are in the writing process. This also reinforces the process overall. This download includes directions for assembling the folder using two 2-pocket folders, student brainstorming sheet and several writing sheets, and classroom posters.
This simple interactive notebook will reinforce handwriting skills, fine motor skills (cutting and pasting), and beginning sounds. It includes a handwriting and beginning sound practice page for each letter as well. Students will love making this interactive notebook!
Pages of download:
1- Cover
2- For the teacher
3-4 - Interactive notebook directions
5-6 - completed example of interactive notebook
7-109 - Interactive notebook foldables/pages for all upper and lower case letters
110-162 - a practice handwriting page and beginning sound page for all letters
163-165 - Credits and Terms of use
This low-prep Groundhog Day Mini Unit has ELA and math connections that will engage all of your students in a fun time of year! Appropriate for primary grades K-2.
This resource includes:
2 Easy to Read Reading Passages - What is Groundhog Day? and All About Groundhogs
2 Comprehension Pages
Color By Sight Word
Color By Addition and Subtraction Facts
Several Writing Prompts
Line Plot Classroom Predictions
All About Groundhogs Flip Book
What Happens on Groundhog Day? Flip Book - Black and white and color printing options
Simple Word Search
Groundhog Day Hat/Crown – 3 choices - Black and white and color printing options
Perfect for Groundhog Day Week!
Mini Unit about sharks. Includes 13 reading passages about sharks and 12 different types of sharks and the shark life cycle. Passages are half a page and have reading comprehension questions below. Interactive notebook foldables are to create an interactive notebook about the shark life cycle and to add facts about the 12 types of sharks. Pictures of a completed notebook are attached. There are several worksheets, KWL, anticipatory set, and a shark mask craft. Assessment at the end.
Table of contents:
Page 1 - Cover
Page 2 - For the teacher
Page 3 - KWL
Page 4-5 - Anticipatory set and answer key
Page 6 - What is a shark? Reading passage
Page 7 - Life Cycle of a shark
Page 8 - Great white shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 9 - Bull shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 10 - Hammerhead shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 11 - Whale shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 12 - Tiger shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 13 - Basking shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 14 - Black tip reef shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 15 - White tip reef shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 16 - Lemon shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 17 - Nurse shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 18 - Blue shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 19 - Mako shark reading passage and comprehension
Page 20 - Life cycle interactive notebook foldable
Page 21 -23 - Shark types interactive notebook foldable
Page 24-25 - Completed notebook
Page 26 - Shark color by number
Page 27 - Shark food worksheet
Page 28 - Shark mask craft
Page 29-32 - Show what you know assessment and answer key
Page 33 - Resources for further learning
Page 34-36 - Credits and Terms of Use
This writing folder is the perfect way for students to keep track of where they are in the writing process. By combining two folders, students who work at different paces, can place their work in the section of the folder that correlates where they are in the writing process. This also reinforces the process overall. This download includes directions for assembling the folder using two 2-pocket folders, graphic organizers and writing sheets, and classroom posters.
Celebrate the Chinese New Year in your classroom with this rich assortment of activities covering reading passage, fluency passage and chart, comprehension, vocabulary, writing,social studies (culture), and more. Students will love the interactive resources and lucky money activity!
This resource includes the following:
A teacher PowerPoint
Reading Passage
Fluency Passage and Chart
Word Search
Venn Diagram and Writing Prompts
All About Chinese New Year Book
Chinese New Year Dictionary
Lucky Money Classroom Activity
Lantern Templates with graphics
Coloring Pages
This interactive calendar engages young students in a "morning meeting" session. It can be used from year to year!! It is in a PowerPoint format, that will work with most smart boards. Students drag the date to the calendar and make a pattern for each month, fill in the days of the week to finish the sentences, "today is, tomorrow will be, and yesterday was", fill in a daily weather chart, determine the mystery number in a hundreds chart, number of the day (tally, ten frame, fact family, and number bond) and review shape attributes with 2D and 3D shapes. This is appropriate for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Also included is a student calendar for students to draw in the patterns on the board and keep track of their own dates, as well as a number of the day printable for individual students to complete as morning work.
Pages of Download:
Interactive Calendar PowerPoint
1- Cover
2-3 - For the Teacher
4-6 - Tally the day of the school year
7-9 - Ten Frame the day of the school year
10-39 - Monthly Calendar for August to December, each month includes the slides:
Monthly calendar with shapes to make monthly or weekly patterns and record the date
Days of the week - Today is, tomorrow will be, yesterday was
Weather chart
Mystery Number Hundreds chart
Number of the day - Tally, Ten frame, Number Bond, and fact family
2D Shape Sort
40-81 - Monthly Calendar for January to July including all of the previously stated slides, except a 3D shape sort, instead of 2D
Student Calendar PDF - A monthly student calendar to be used with the interactive calendar. Students record the day and pattern. This engages students who are not actively engaged at the smart board
Number of the Day PDF and Terms of Use - Includes the number of the day printable that is the same as the interactive calendar slides. This also engages students who are at their seat and not actively engaged at the smart board.
Directions and notes describe how to interact with the powerpoint.
Complete Biology Unit and Interactive Notebook with Formal and Informal Assessment.
Includes each of the following for all 6 animal groups (Invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds and fish): KWL, reading passages (colorful with actual pictures of animals), reading comprehension (fill in the blanks) with answer key, interactive notebook foldable (correlates with reading passage), diary of an animal writing assignment, place the animal in its habitat. An informal assessment is a cut and sort the animal pictures into their groups. Formal assessment is also included with answer key. Pictures of a completed interactive biology notebook are included. Also two additional unit vocabulary words.
Pages of download:
1- Cover
2- Teacher Information
3-9- Completed interactive journal pictures
10-13 - Interactive journal vocabulary pages
14-15 - Vocabulary definitions
16 - KWL Invertebrates
17-19 - Reading passage Invertebrates
20-21 - Reading Comprehension Invertebrates and answer key
23 - Invertebrates interactive journal foldables
24 - Invertebrates diary writing assignment
25 - Invertebrates habitat cut and glue
26 - Reptile KWL
27-28 - Reptile reading passage
29-30 - Reptile reading comprehension and answer key
31 - Reptile interactive journal foldable
32 - Reptile Diary
33 - Reptile habitat cut and glue
34 - Amphibian KWL
35-36 - Amphibian reading passage
37-38 - Amphibian comprehension and answer key
39 - Amphibian interactive journal foldable
40 - Amphibian diary writing assignment
41 - Amphibian habitat cut and glue
42 - Venn Diagram - Compare and contrast reptiles and amphibians
43 - Mammal KWL
44-45 - Mammal reading passage
46-47 - Mammal reading comprehension and answer key
48 - Mammal interactive journal foldable
49 - Mammal diary writing assignment
50 - Mammal habitat cut and glue
51 - Fish KWL
52-53 - Fish reading passage
54-55 Fish reading comprehension and answer key
56 - Fish interactive journal foldable
57 - Fish diary writing assignment
58 - Fish habitat cut and glue
59 - Bird KWL
60-61 - Bird reading passage
62-63 - Bird reading comprehension and answer key
64 - Bird interactive journal foldable
65 - Bird diary writing assignment
66 - Bird habitat cut and clue
67-68 - cut and sort the animal pictures into 6 groups (informal assessment)
69-72 - End of unit assessment and answer key
73-75 - credits and copyright, terms of use
This complete African American/Black History unit is perfect to take the pain out of your planning for the whole month of February.
This over 200 page download includes:
Classroom Posters
25 Reading Passages for Famous African Americans
Why do we Celebrate Black History Reading Passage
Comprehension for each reading passage/famous figure
An activity for each reading passage/famous figure
Famous African Americans Student Book
Interactive Notebook Pages
Word Search
Social Medial Profile
Venn Diagram